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World Class Verilog & SystemVerilog Training

Sunburst Design - Introduction to Verilog-2001 & Best Coding Practices
by Recognized Verilog & SystemVerilog Guru, Cliff Cummings of Sunburst Design, Inc.

Cliff Cummings is the only Verilog & SystemVerilog Trainer who helped develop every IEEE & Accellera Verilog, Verilog Synthesis and SystemVerilog Standard.

2-Day Verilog Syllabus in PDF

2 Days
60% Lecture, 40% Lab
Basic - Intermediate Level

Course Objective

Simply stated, to give engineers world class Verilog training using award winning materials developed by renowned Verilog & SystemVerilog Guru, Cliff Cummings

Upon completion of this course, students will:

Course Overview

Sunburst Design - Introduction to Verilog-2001 & Best Coding Practices is a 2-day, fast-paced, introductory course on the IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog Hardware Description Language. The course presents a useful overview of the language with a focus on using Verilog for design, synthesis and simulation. A comprehensive 400+ page student guide and 49-page Verilog-2001 HDL Quick Reference Guide supplement the lecture and provide excellent resources for after-class reference. Several exercises and basic labs reinforce the principles presented.

This basic-level course helps students understand the Verilog-2001 language, Verilog netlists and Verilog software tools. Students will learn the keywords, syntax and semantics of the Verilog-2001 language. Students will also learn to write small hardware models and understand larger, more complex models. This course does not go into detail on all of the Verilog language subtleties or software tool specifics that are covered in the 4-day Sunburst Design - Comprehensive Verilog-2001 Design & Best Coding Practices training course. The Comprehensive course provides an in-depth study of the Verilog language, simulation and fundamental synthesis coding styles.

Target Audience

Sunburst Design - Introduction to Verilog-2001 & Best Coding Practices is intended for VHDL engineers and new and self-taught Verilog design and verification engineers that require a rapid introduction to the capabilities of Verilog-2001. This course also fulfills the prerequisites for Advanced and Expert Sunburst Design Verilog & SystemVerilog training courses and is usually offered as an optional first day for multi-day advanced or expert training.

Prerequisites (mandatory)

A knowledge of digital design engineering. The ability to create files and efficiently use the editors on the operating system used in labs. Without the above skills, students cannot fully benefit from this course. Students will be writing Verilog models for basic and advanced digital circuits such as adders, multiplexers, flip-flops, and shift registers, barrel shifters and a simple DSP processor.

The Sunburst Design - Advantage

Who is teaching your "expert" and "advanced" classes? Most companies will not tell you because their instructors might not have much design experience or may never have participated on any of the Verilog Standards groups or presented at industry recognized conferences. Go to our web site and read about the Sunburst Design - Instructors - they are simply the best at what they do and they have the experience and qualifications to offer best-in-class training.

Sunburst Design Courses:

Course Customization? - Sunburst Design courses can be customized to include your company's coding guidelines or to modify the course for a different audience. Sections can be added or deleted from a course to meet you company's needs.

Course Syllabus

Day One

Overview of Verilog Resources

Introduction to Verilog Modeling
- An introduction and overview of major Verilog-2001 modeling basics.

Verilog HDL Syntax & Semantics
- Detailed instruction of important Verilog-2001 (V2K1) language syntax.

Design Verification & Running Simulations
- An introduction to writing Verilog testbenches and running Verilog simulations.

* Course notes are printed with detailed instructions on how to use the major Verilog simulators (NC Verilog, VCS, ModelSim, Questa - note: per Cadence, Verilog-XL does not and will not support Verilog-2001 enhancements).

Continuous Assignments & Operators
- Detailed discussion of continuous assignments with design examples, followed by an overview of Verilog-2001 operators, also with examples.

Programming Statements & Timescales
- Detailed discussion of blocking and nonblocking assignments, followed by an overview of Verilog-2001 programming statements with examples. This section concludes with a discussion of Verilog timescales and their impact on simulation efficiency.

Day Two

Combinational Logic Modeling
- Behavioral & synthesizable coding styles for modeling combinational logic. Includes multiple Verilog-2001 enhancements.

Sequential Logic Modeling
- Behavioral & synthesizable coding styles for modeling sequential logic

RAM and ROM Modeling
- Behavioral coding styles for modeling RAMs and ROMs

Structural Netlists
- How to construct a hierarchical Verilog netlist.

Classroom Details
Training is generally conducted at your facilities. For maximum effectiveness, we recommend having one workstation or PC for every two students, with licenses for your preferred Verilog simulator (we often can help provide the simulator and temporary training licenses).

For more information, contact:
Cliff Cummings - - Sunburst Design, Inc. - 503-641-8446